Macco & Corey P.C.


Protecting your home from foreclosure

Each person’s home is extremely important to them. Not only does a home provide shelter, but often has high emotional value and contains many memories. Therefore, it can be difficult when people are facing the loss of their home via foreclosure. Foreclosure can be an emotionally and physically taxing process for individuals in New York.

Often, foreclosure is the result of financial challenges that a New Yorker is facing across the person’s life. However, these factors are often well beyond the control of the individual homeowner. A job loss, an increase in taxes, wage stagnation and increased expenses for heating and food all make it more difficult for homeowners in New York to afford their mortgage payments.

When individuals are facing foreclosure, they should know that there are specific laws in place to protect their interests. Foreclosure fraud can occur and result in people losing their houses unnecessarily. Individuals who are facing foreclosure should understand their legal rights and their options when it comes to keeping their home.

The attorneys at Macco & Stern, LLP understand the emotional and financial worry that goes into losing a home. Our compassionate attorneys can help individuals understand all of their legal options when their home is at risk. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, for example, may be one way for individuals to stop the foreclosure process and keep their home.

Through Chapter 13, individuals can get their debts and financial obligations in order and under control. The automatic stay can help to eliminate the pressure to pay all of their bills at once and give individuals the breathing room they need to catch up on their mortgage payments.

Our attorneys can help explain individuals’ options in these situations. Whether its filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy or fighting the foreclosure proceedings, individuals can take steps to protect their home from foreclosure. For more information about our law firm and foreclosure proceedings in New York, please see our website.